Good judgment in foreign policy / Deborah Welch Larson -- Psychological sources of good judgment in political leaders : a framework for analysis / Stanley A. Renshon -- Appraising good judgement before it matters : Al Gore, George W. Bush and the 2000 election campaign / Stanley A. Renshon -- Bad guys and bad judgments / Stephen Wayne -- Truman and the Berlin blockade : the role of intuition and experience in good foreign policy judgment / Deborah Welch Larson -- Perceiving the end of threat : Ronald Reagan and the Gorbachev revolution / Barbara Farnham -- Culture and emotion as obstacles to good judgment : the case of Argentina's invasion of the Falklands/Malvinas / David A. Welch -- Policy planning : oxymoron or sine qua non for U.S. foreign policy? / Bruce W. Jentleson and Andrew Bennett -- Why foreign policy (when it comes to judgment, at least) is not pornography / Richard Haass -- Analysis and judgment in policymaking / Alexander L. George -- The world according to George W. Bush : good judgment or cowboy politics? / Stanley A. Renshon -- Politics, uncertainty, and values : good judgment in context / Deborah Welch Larson
Includes bibliographical references and index
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