We launched Trademark Center beta, a new system designed to improve your filing experience. You can use the beta version of Trademark Center to apply to register your trademark. You have the option to apply to register your trademark in either Trademark Center beta or the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) until early January 2025. The cost to file remains the same in both systems.
For more information, visit our Trademark Center page.
Identity verification for trademark filers
Trademark filers can verify their identity and authenticate their USPTO.gov account using a secure, one-time process.
Index of all TEAS forms
A list of all TEAS forms by category
TEAS tutorial
Steps explaining the TEAS process
After you file for a trademark: check status and correct errors
Learn about your duty to check your application or registration status and how to correct filing errors after you submit an online trademarks form.
Processing times
Due to a consistently high volume of new applications, processing times are taking longer. We're taking steps to reduce processing times. In the meantime, you can learn more about wait times.
Trademark initial application form
In the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS), we have one initial application form with two filing options: TEAS Plus and TEAS Standard.
- The TEAS Plus filing option has more requirements up-front when you submit your initial application. As a result, you pay a lower fee per class of goods/services.
- The TEAS Standard filing option has fewer requirements up-front. However, you must eventually meet all the application requirements and pay a higher fee per class of goods/services.
Ready to apply?
If you aren't already signed into MyUSPTO using your USPTO.gov account, you'll be prompted to log in with two-step authentication. Review the Log in to TEAS and TEASi page for more information.
You can check the current processing wait times to find out how long your trademark filing could take. Filing your initial application, response form, and post registration accurately can speed up the process. You can help by reading these tips on avoiding processing delays.
Key differences between TEAS Plus and TEAS Standard
Consider these key differences when selecting your filing option:
Filing fees
- TEAS Plus: Pay $250 per class of goods/services.
- TEAS Standard: Pay $350 per class of goods/services.
When you pay fees
- TEAS Plus: Pay all application filing fees with your initial application.
- TEAS Standard: Pay the filing fee for at least one class of goods or services with the application. Any fees for additional classes can be paid later in the process.
How you identify goods and services
- TEAS Plus: You must select your goods or services listing from the Trademark Identification (ID) Manual. If the ID Manual doesn't have a listing that accurately reflects your goods and services, you must use TEAS Standard.
- TEAS Standard: You can write the description of your goods and services, but it’s still essential to accurately describe your goods and services.
When you designate a U.S.-licensed attorney (foreign-domiciled applicants only)
- TEAS Plus: A U.S.-licensed attorney must complete and submit your initial application.
- TEAS Standard: You can complete and submit your initial application, but you must designate a U.S.-licensed attorney thereafter.
When you provide additional statements
- TEAS Plus: Provide all required additional statements in your initial application.
- TEAS Standard: Provide required additional statements after you submit your initial application.
You must provide additional statements if any of the following apply to your application:
- The same mark has already been registered with the USPTO by you, but the owner name in the prior registration is not the same as in the new application.
- The mark includes color.
- The mark includes a design or stylized font.
- The mark includes non-English words.
- The mark includes non-Latin characters.
- The mark includes the name or portrait of a living person.
- The mark is currently in use and the applicant needs to limit use to a specific geographic area and identify the other concurrent users.
Review the Additional statements required for TEAS Plus for more information about these statements.
Detailed information about TEAS Plus and TEAS Standard
You can find more detailed information about each filing option, including links to the TMEP with the definitive list of application filing requirements for each filing option, on the TEAS Plus and TEAS Standard pages.